Faculty of Metabolic Disorders
- Study profile: Diabetes, dislipidemia, obesity, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, periferal arterial disease, non-invasive cardiology
- Principal investigator:
- Prof. Dr. György Paragh
- Tel.: +36 52 52 255 525
- paragh@belklinika.com
- Prof. Dr. Dénes Páll
- Tel.: +36 52 411 717 / 56456
- pall.denes@unideb.hu
- Prof. Dr. György Paragh
- Coordinator:
- Éva Kovács
- Tel.: 06-52-255-525, 06-30-9-886-503
- ekovacs@belklinika.com
- Éva Kovács
- Principal investigator:
Faculty of Endocrinology
- Study profile: Thyroid, adrenal and hypophysis diseases
- Principal investigator:
- Prof. Dr. Endre Nagy V.
- Tel.: +36 52 52 255 600
- nagy@belklinika.com
- Prof. Dr. Endre Nagy V.
- Coordinator:
- Julianna Veresné Sipos
- Tel.: +36 52 255 600, +36 30 485 1380
- vjulika@belklinika.com
- Julianna Veresné Sipos
- Principal investigator:
Last update:
2023. 02. 16. 12:55